how to make WL see a strategy that was directly written into strategy folder?
Author: haytac
Creation Date: 7/16/2013 12:19 PM
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I am working on multiple machines running WL Pro. When I do an update to my program on one machine, I copy it to another system and run it on WL on that system.

Here is my issue: the second machine does not readily see the new file that was just written to its folder. Apparently WL caches the directory of strategies when it launches so that it does not see a new file that just came in.

Is there a "refresh" in the "open strategy" window that would allow it to see the new file?

Thanks and Regards,
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This is not an issue, it's by design. You will have to restart WLP to make it recognize the new strategy's XML file. BTW, the same principle applies to some (not all) other configuration files like SymbolInfo.xml.

An alternative might be in sharing Strategies over a network path: WL should always load the last version of the strategy on the network.
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