yahoo file format
Author: mheb
Creation Date: 5/3/2011 6:16 AM
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does anybody know the file format for the yahoo provider. I would like to write the data from a csv file into the yahoo format to use the dividend adjustment option from this provider. I hope it works with the "adjusted price" which came with the yahoo data. Or is there a possibility to correct the yahoo data in terms of dividend adjustment manualy?

thanks in advance

Kind regards
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The file format used between any and all WL6 providers, I think, is unified, and is not disclosed by Fidelity.

The Y! provider might be doing its own behind-the-scenes job of keeping raw data and dividend/split adjustments.
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OK, then there is no way to use the yahoo provier functions or do some corrections for missing dividens from yahoo

anyway thanks for your answer


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