Performance Visualizers library by Eugene

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I am trying to add a different criteria to the the MS123 scorecard. I have downloaded the source (from 2012), but there are missing references in the project for it to build. Could you suggest the missing references that are required to build the source?

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It's some of Wealth-Lab DLLs which point to Wealth-Lab Developer installation folder that doesn't exist on your PC. They are highlighted with a yellow triangle in the References tree. Just supply the new location (your WLP folder), and switch target framework version to .NET 4.5 before running a build (the project is outdated and won't compile out of the box).
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I had already changed the references to the dll's in the install directory and there were many undefined references. I assume that the code was refactored sometime after the demo was built.
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Switch the project to .NET 4.5. If this does not help, what are the many undefined references, precisely?
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Ok. Converting the projects to .Net 4.5 fixed all namespace issues. Is the scorecard in the demo project the same as the MS123 scorecard? I would assume there is a different version for the more efficient "No Closed Equity" version. Is that updated source available? Are there instructions for building the scorecard?


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Is the scorecard in the demo project the same as the MS123 scorecard?

It's stuck in 2012. That more efficient newer version is closed source.

Are there instructions for building the scorecard?

Unfortunately, there's no official API manual for Scorecards if you meant that. Is something is not clear, don't hesitate to ask.
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Is there a simple set of instructions for properly generating a new ScoreCard and having WLP recognize the new card? i.e. Naming conventions, DLL recognition, etc.
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Like I said, Fidelity did not write an API manual for Scorecards. If it existed, why would we be hiding it? ;)

Is there something not clear about the MS123 Scorecard open source example in MS123Scorecard.cs? Just modify it to your taste.
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Communication is always a challenge. Sorry. Being specific I would like to create a new scorecard named MS123_bryce that appears in the list of available scorecard choices and not eliminate any existing choice. I see that I can change the name in "FriendlyName". What else must I do? Also what must I do to "install" the new DLL into WLP other than place the DLL into the "C:\Program Files\Fidelity Investments\Wealth-Lab Pro 6" folder?

Sorry again,
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Being specific I would like to create a new scorecard named MS123_bryce that appears in the list of available scorecard choices and not eliminate any existing choice.

1. Delete all Visualizer demo classes (included in the solution) so that they don't interfere with the real MS123 Visualizers.
2. Change assembly name, default namespace and assembly information.
3. Change the "FriendlyName".
4. Rename the MS123Scorecard class and the namespace.

Also what must I do to "install" the new DLL into WLP other than place the DLL into the "C:\Program Files\Fidelity Investments\Wealth-Lab Pro 6" folder?

That's all it takes provided you've done everything correctly.
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Hello Eugene,

That was easy :) Now to see if it works. Thank you for your help.

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Bryce, glad to help. Let me know if further assistance is required.
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