"Combination Strategy" and using extra/private DLL
Author: RuneHS
Creation Date: 8/2/2011 8:09 AM
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Hi there,

in my WL scripts i typically include a simple DLL-library, for dumping out data in text files and the like. Running singe scripts have never been a problem and works fine now, too.

However when running your new "Combination Strategy" feature, there seems to be a reference problem. I.e. when I remove links to my private library, all works well, but running scripts where "using" + <private.DLL> is included on top i the scrips I get the "object reference" program stop.

The special DLL is located in the usual C:\Program Files\MS123\Wealth-Lab Developer 6\ directory. Should it be somewhere else or something?

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Almost undoubtedly, the problem is in your code/DLL.

To verify, take any single or couple of Strategies referencing Community.Components and add them to a new Combo strategy. This is an equivalent of using a DLL library (because it is a DLL library). If the new Combo runs correctly, and I'm pretty sure it does, you need to troubleshoot your code/DLL using a debugger:

How can I debug my trading strategies in Wealth-Lab?
Debugging a Strategy with Visual Studio Express or SharpDevelop
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Hmmm. We'll have to look in to how the ".NET References" are compiled in Combination Strategies. I suspect that Community.Components works because it is installed in the Wealth-Lab directory. If you're dll isn't located there, move it there, restart Wealth-Lab, and retest. It might work.
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Robert, unless 32-bit WLD is being used on a 64-bit O.S., he probably already has it there...
The special DLL is located in the usual C:\Program Files\MS123\Wealth-Lab Developer 6\ directory.
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The Community.Components library works fine, other installed WL libraries work well, too. So all of your libraries are ok - but my library makes the "combination strategy" stop.

I agree - I suspect there's something in my code, even though my "class library" generally works well. I will go over it again and check if there's a missing assembly reference or something. Sorry for the trouble!

BTW I use both the 32 bit (on an old Win XP pc) and 64 bit (Win7) versions of WL, both never bugs. Rock solid, man. They have worked perfectly for as 2 years now. The only problem was that one library update from you that crashed WL on startup (some weeks ago now), but that was sorted out quickly.
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I'm having a similar problem to the OP. When trying to run my normal strategies (I run them without problem individually) in the combo strategy feature, I get the following error:

Please log in to see this code.

I get this error with a variety of my strategies but not with the included sample ones. Hints about where to look? Any try/catch blocks I should insert?

Thanks in advance.
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Lots of food for thought and hints:

Combination Strategy error message
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