Access Net Profit/ P&L per trade
Author: vbadri
Creation Date: 6/25/2009 6:08 PM
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Is there a way to access from WL code editor Performance -> Net Profit numbers now using this component..?
I see the notes on for accessing/drawing "Equity Curve" using the link below. It does not seem to let access anything in the "Performance" Tab.

I am trying to optimize the model param for Net profit amoungst others. I have tried to perform my own P&L/Net profit etc...but they did not work for one reason or the other.

It would be great to acess some of the values computed by WL, along the way to tune the model param.

Posted on Extension/community/indicator forums.

Any pointers Appreciated



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Optimization is coming to WLP 5.4 next week (and end of July in WLD 5.4). You will then be able to natively optimize Net Profit and numerous other metrics.
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