You can enable logging in Wealth-Lab by following the procedure below. However, most extensions don't honor the log so you won't find all errors there.
0. Enable hidden file/folder visibility.
1. Shut down Wealth-Lab
2. In the ..\Data\Logs folder, if it exists, purge wld.txt. (See User Guide: Data >
Where Data is Stored).
3. In the WLD installation folder, usually C:\Program Files\MS123\Wealth-Lab Developer 6 (or \Fidelity Investments\Wealth-Lab Pro 6), open WealthLabDev.exe.config (or WealthLabPro.exe.config) with a text editor. About 2/3rd's the way down, look for this section:
Please log in to see this code.
4. Change "level value" to <level value="
All" />
5. Change this line:
Please log in to see this code.
This way:
Please log in to see this code.
6. Save and close WealthLabDev.exe.config (or WealthLabPro.exe.config)
7. When the problem occurs, close Wealth-Lab and attach the wld.txt (wlp.txt) file from the ..\Data\Logs folder
8. Important!
When finished troubleshooting, repeat steps 3 thru 5, but change "level value" to < level value="Off">
Failure to do this could contribute to sluggish Wealth-Lab operation.