For EOD: I would like to include a Trigger Bar ATR(1) column in the 'Trades' report (and paste the whole report to a spreadsheet). Is this possible? If so, how to achieve this?
Adding Column to Trade TabAdd new column in results tableTo the built-in performance visualizer, no.
To your own custom performance visualizer, yes. For example you can download Community.Visualizers demo source code and modify the PVTrades2 class that represents the Trades+ visualizer. In short, adding a column would take the following:
1. Add a column to the ListView (by defining a ColumnHeader) of the control.
2. Specify the type of data (i.e. double) for the purposes of sorting (notice ListViewSortManager in the PVTrades2 constructor).
3. GenerateOutput is used for copying to clipboard, so you should skip this method for now.
4. Now, in CreateVisualization method body you will need to calculate your performance metric and use AddSubItem to push it to the ListView.