Add possibility to see "Performance Metrics" in the Account Tool
Author: abegy
Creation Date: 8/2/2013 3:33 AM
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In the Account tool, you have the history of your your paper trades. This is a nice feature to track your record and see in the "real life" how your strategies work.

Unfortunately, there is no features (I think ?) at this time to see "Performance metrics" in global and by strategy for this "real trades"..

Is it possible to allow in a next release the possibility to access "Visualizers sheets" in this tool ?
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Unfortunately, no. It's a major effort for which there is no time and resources. We can't jump the queue with new ideas now that we've got planned enhancements based on feedback by many customers and then lots of open issues that would keep the developers busy for a couple of releases.

Fortunately, two alternatives are available:

1. After manual conversion of your paper trading history into a format supported by the tool, Import real (historical) trades will allow to analyze your real (paper) trades in Wealth-Lab as if they were backtest trades.

2. If your symbols fall into the list of symbols supported by WealthSignals, then you can have a record of forward trading by using WealthSignals where your system can exist in private sandbox.
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Thanks for the Tips with "Import real (historical) trades" ;-)
maybe, in the future, if you have times and ressources, it can be interesting to develop for the community the "Import Account trades"
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