Add text to trade popup?
Author: bobf
Creation Date: 11/17/2014 2:43 PM
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Is there a way to add text to the label that appears when hovering over a buy arrow on the price pane?

For example, when I hover over an up arrow it shows: Buy 500 @ 74.25

Can I add the Signal Name or Entry Name to that so it shows: Buy 500 @ 74.25 BuyAtMarketSignalName
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Possible workaround: I have multiple sell reasons. I identify which reason triggered the sell using AnnotateBar, as shown below for a "Stop Loss", abbreviated "SL". The actual signal name is longer, in my case, with a neural network score appended, but I can at least quickly see why the sell occurred.
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This concept could work on the buy side as well. It may not be appropriate if you have a lot of signal name text or an already busy chart.

(Edit) On the buy side, my annotation simply says "Buy". This always-visible annotation method is useful in also showing signals that were kicked out by the PosSizer.
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