Alerts not coming
Author: marat_tema
Creation Date: 2/5/2014 9:55 AM
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Hello, I can not configure notification signals to the postal address.
Mail settings is right because test messages is coming.
There were signals on the five-minute chart. But there weren’t signals in the “Strategy Monitor” and mail-notification were not delivered.
Receive screen:
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Hi Marat,

It's always a good idea to check the Knowledge Base with answers to most frequently raised questions:

FAQ | Strategies and WealthScript > Alerts are not triggered.

Most likely, your Strategy is generating signals on "bar" (as opposed to bar+1) or using AtClose orders. Happens all the time.

P.S. As I already suggested, please use "Add Attachments" to post your screenshots. This feature is a real time saver and is very convenient. External hosting websites come and go.

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