Aligning dates between data sources
Author: rbryant
Creation Date: 8/11/2014 3:24 AM
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I did a search on this forum before writing this. Is there an easy way to align the dates for two sources of data - eg an index in a CSV file and an index being downloaded from Yahoo?

ie: The data may have different holiday or weekend dates included - is there an easy way to align them rather than editing in Excel?

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Have you tried the built-in synchronization?

WealthScript Programming Guide > DataSeries > Accessing Secondary Symbols > Secondary Series Synchronization
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Oh, thanks. So it seems "Default synchronization aligns all external Bars and DataSeries to the Primary Bars by comparing the date-time of each bar." and if I dont want to change the default I don't need to do anything? (ie synchronisation is automatic?).

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Synchronization is enabled by default, assuming that you call GetExternalSymbol/SetContext with the boolean synchronize parameter set to true.
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