Assorted Q&A re: indicator and WealthScript programming
Author: Jack_S
Creation Date: 1/10/2010 8:54 AM
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Folks: Very impressed. I have done a lot of program trade / anaylsis in Excel and really like what I see. Very straight forward, after I master C# and learn the Wealth-Lab syntax.

As I wade through the complexity of such a powerful tool, I wanted to share the initial list of "How do I do that's". I understnad that much of what I have asked will be obvious in the next few weeks, and some might be off the table. But in an effort to give back, wanted to share the list. I would appreciate what ever clues you could give, such as, which ones are not avaiable and quit looking, or "which ones are right infront of you", and some hints on the rest.

1. How to perform a back test where 100% of the money is re-invested each trade, less the commission, plus the interest? This is to give a true side by side comparison to a buy and hold.

2. How do I download or copy the trade history of a back test, in a delineated format, to Excel? On some web-pages with tables, I can copy the data right off the page and paste it to Excel.

3. How do I drag and drop indicators such as “Cumup / Cumdown” into a strategy?

4. How do I exclude the market data from, say, "the first hour of trading", and only buy or sell if the indicator is still valid after the excluded time?

5. How do I exclude the market data from, say, "the first hour of trading" from indicators or an analysis, like Slow Moving Average?

6. How do I limit the “second sell within a 3 day period” to avoiding violating the IRA trading rules?

7. How do I apply the “slope” of an indicator, such as the 20 day slope of the 200 day moving average? The drag and drop can do a “20 day look back” but that is sensitive to pops and drops, looking for something lest jittery.

8. How do I show the annualized return rate on trades when back testing?

9. How do I creae my own or download drag and drop elements?

Thanks for the help.


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Welcome aboard John.

Sounds like you might find answers to many of your questions in the Wealth-Lab Wiki.

1 - By using Raw Profit mode, if some of your trades are subject to be excluded by Wealth-Lab's real world simulation rules

2 - SaveTrades, SaveClosedTrades

3 - Tutorial videos > Designing Rule-based Strategies, Combining different Indicators

4 - An upcoming data tool will help make it easily.

5 - By manually programming a new indicator in your trading strategy, looping through Bars and ruling out the unneeded stuff.

6 - See CooledOff in the Wealth-Lab 5 Wiki

7, 8 - By manually programming it in your Strategy.

9 - By creating an indicator library in Visual Studio or SharpDevelop. Fidelity does not currently have a published documentation on this, but programmers are welcome to review the source code of our indicator packs such as Community.Indicators and TASCIndicators and quickly start writing their own.
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