Automated trading in Thailand?
Author: somkiat
Creation Date: 5/11/2013 8:45 AM
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1 i need know your program it can automatic buy sell ,and support user in thailand brokers.
2 i need know that your program have strategy about if(percent change >= 3% in15 second && volume >= 300% of 10 day avergae)

auto buy ......
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1) Wealth-Lab Developer supports automated trading in Paper Trading accounts only and does not have integration with any broker (including Thailand brokers).

2) Sure it's possible to backtest this rule (and only backtest). Note that you need to have a source of Second-based data in a format supported by one of Wealth-Lab's data providers - like Metastock or ASCII. But to trade it, that data provider should have Streaming (real-time) mode support as the Strategy Monitor doesn't work with ticks/second. High-frequency trading is not something we're focused at.
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thank you so much, i have already understand.
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