Backtesting using external symbol and index
Author: systemamfry
Creation Date: 8/11/2011 11:02 AM
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My current backtest includes:

Buy when the price of an ETF crosses above its moving average.
And sell when the price of an ETF crosses below its moving average.

I want to change it to:

Buy a specific ETF when the price on an Index crosses above the EMA for the Index.
And sell a specific ETF when the price of an Index crosses below the EMA for the Index.

What do I need to do to accomplish this?

Thank you,
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Are you working with rules or in code?
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Current code looks like this...
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Unless Cone agrees to add these rules to Community.Rules, I guess you're out of luck with using rules.

Buy a specific ETF when the price on an Index crosses above the EMA for the Index.
And sell a specific ETF when the price of an Index crosses below the EMA for the Index.

Assuming that you want to change the primary Bars object to the ETF, below is an example...
Please log in to see this code. be run on any symbol. Things get really simple if the ETF exists in current DataSet:
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