Batch run of strategies
Author: wbzhang
Creation Date: 8/30/2011 1:42 PM
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For example, I have 10 strategy programs, I want to make Wealth-lab to run all these strategies at 9:00am each morning automatically. Please note, each strategy may run against different dataset. Is this doable (with Wealth-lab Dev)? Please advice.
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For EOD strategies it's possible to schedule a custom run time in Strategy Monitor (Daily Strategy Scheduling in Strategy Activation settings dialog).
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Eugene, could WL have the ability to run strategies with chosen parameters by using the command line? Some day in the future, perhaps? Or just a dream?
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Sorry, this has never been considered to be a use case. Our line of thinking is expressed in the FAQ: Is it possible to use Wealth-Lab or one of its Extensions as a component in custom or 3rd party application?
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