Build Custom Index based on CumDown
Author: sedelstein
Creation Date: 1/6/2014 9:31 AM
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I am getting an error when I try to update data for a custom index using IndexLab

I understand there is a workaround in WL Script that provides a workaround.

The error is described below

In Update Data the messge reads "Error: Error: Invalid Indicator Settings"

Here is how I define the index. Perhaps I am doing something wrong

In Index Lab

Index Builder Tab --> Left Hand Side --> Above Indicator's Value --> Right Hand Side --> Pick a Dataset --> Next

Select Indicators --> CumDown
Source --> Close
Lookback --> 1
Indicator Value --> 3

I am looking for the number of symbols in the Dataset that have experienced 3 consecutive down closes on a particular bar

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Now that we've determined that WLP 6.6 users suffer from a bug when it comes to using any indices based on indicators (Aggregate Indicator, Above/Below Indicator Value etc.), let's provide a script-based workaround:

Please log in to see this code.
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Thanks you once again Eugene, for prompt help
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