Buy&Sell a Ratio
Author: Assenzio
Creation Date: 1/26/2011 12:41 PM
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Hello, in the old WLD 4 there was the ChangeBar function to transform the primary series into, i.e. a ratio (so to be able to buy & sell directly that ratio).

There is nothing available with the same purpose for WLD 6 ?
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Since you're a new Version 6 user, I strongly suggest exploring the Wealth-Lab Wiki FAQs:

Is there ChangeBar method in WL6?
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I was looking for threads about buying/selling securities at a ratio to each other.
I.e. buy 1 share of A, sell 2 shares of B.

Am I misunderstanding the title of this thread?
What's a "ChangeBar"? What does it have to do with ratios?

How does the FAQ link answer the "ratio" part of the question?

Please log in to see this code.

What am I missing?

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To topic starter -- who was or has been a WL4 user -- the passage about ChangeBar made sense in the context of his question.
I.e. buy 1 share of A, sell 2 shares of B.

You could do it in a PosSizer, sizing Positions differently based on bars.Symbol. There may be alternative answers depending on your idea of ratio.
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You could do it in a PosSizer

Thanks, and I've been looking at the demo, and the tutorial.
Of all the sample libraries I've inspected, this is the most difficult to understand. Even with the "Creating Pos Sizer" tutorial.

But that's my problem.
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Feel free to ask for a clarification re: creating a PosSizer (preferably in a new thread).
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