Buy on any one of five days that follow a "trigger day"
Author: chiswick451
Creation Date: 11/19/2013 1:35 AM
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i am learning the code but i am having problems creating a back test which involves a loop within a loop.

i want to buy a stock on any or all of the following five days it drops below its price on the trigger day. So if my buy signal is triggered for a stock on 9/12 i want to buy it on 9/13, 9/14...9/18 if it is below a limit price.

any suggestions

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Check out Strategy Window > Strategy Builder > MC, Multi-Condition Group in the WealthScript Programming Guide. By setting the "Lookback Period" to 5 in your Rule-based Strategy, your chosen buy condition can now last for 5 bars. After having finished building your Strategy, click "Open Code in new Strategy Window" to review the code behind it.
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