Buy on previous bar(s)?
Author: wpalermo
Creation Date: 1/17/2010 1:42 PM
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Is there a way to make buys on bars previous to the current bar? (I want to backtest only)
I have several different setup/buy signals some require buys on previous bars.
D I need to create a new strategy for each scenario?
I am not a programmer, so am nearly clueless!
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I have several different setup/buy signals some require buys on previous bars.

Like "if some condition today = true", then "buy yesterday" ? :)
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Exactly what I am looking for. Is it possible to do for backtesting?
I just started fooling around with this yesterday and am having a hard time getting my head around flow of time, if you know what I mean.
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Yes, it's possible - we call it "peeking into the future".
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Ha Ha I see what you mean. So I need to test every one of my setup patterns before I move to either a buy or to the next bar. Correct?
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Yes, you need to test for a setup on the current bar. Take a look at this KB article:

Bars, Loops, and Bar + 1
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Thanks for the info.
This is all way over my head, but I'll plug away at it.
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