Buy specific symbol
Author: cicerotullius
Creation Date: 3/4/2015 12:29 PM
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I want to do the following and I have no clue how to program this, since I cannot find a comment to buy a dedicated symbol from a portfolio.

the idea is like this:

I have a strategy A (thats kind of reverse to mean, doesn't matter whats exactly, lets say RSI based). This strategy is running on some portfolio, lets say DOW30. Since this strategy is not trading so often, I want to buy something else whenever the strategy has no Trade.

This something else could be some ETF, maybe SPY or BND, I don't know, thats what I want to backtest.

So the logic I try to make is: "If there is no position fill it with SPY", but actually I don't even know how to tell WL to buy a dedicated symbol, I tried with get External symbol, but thats totally wrong, thats only bringing External symbol indicator style, but I want to trade it.

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This seems like a reincarnation of a previous request:

Trade Specific External Symbol if Conditions are met / not met

See my reply to you in post #2. Hint: you can search in downloaded Strategies' code.

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