CSV files not found when creating ASCII DataSet
Author: Przz
Creation Date: 8/27/2020 6:18 PM
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Please, coud you help me?

I have some datasets ".CSV" at my desktop, but when I try import to Wealthlab by "New >> ASCIIFILES" and looking for that in my folders, the files doesn't appear for select.
The Files Extension selected is ".CSV".
If this can help you to diagnose the problem, I'm sending the file and one image to you.
=> "Área de Trabalho" means Desktop in Portuguese.
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1. Probably the CSV files are in one of the subfolders. You can search in Explorer to find their correct location.

2. Double check the file extension.
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Hi Eugene,

Thanks for the answer.

The location of the files is correct and I tried move to other folder do test but not solve the problem.
I try convert the file to .TXT and looking for with WealthLab but the same error appear.
If I open my desktop or folders, the files are there normally.

Thanks again
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The image you showed was only to select the folder. You have to click OK. Once the folder is selected it will appear at the top in the text box and the files with the csv extension will appear below.
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