Choosing data file location in WL
Author: momop
Creation Date: 9/30/2009 12:43 PM
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Hello there

I was wondering if there is a way to choose a specific dir to choose WLPro data files (i.e .WL) ? I have multiple drives and would like to choose one over the other. Is it possible ?

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It's possible to relocate Fidelity security and fundamental data, but nothing else.
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Yes. I only want to store the stock data elsewhere (where there is more disk space). Where do I configure ?

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Then you're lucky: there's an option to "Relocate data" in the Data Manager. For more, please see the User Guide > Data > Data Manager > Symbol Management.
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Given that the above post is not very recent, I wanted to know whether it is now possible to specify a different path (/location) for the .dll strategy files I created externally in VisualStudio (from C# code).The issue is that many people should have access to the latter .dll strategies and I would like to point the path to a shared directory.
If the above is not possible, would you have a work-around?

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Hi Sebastian,

Compiled Strategy library assemblies must reside in the main folder under Program Files, no alternative.

Cone will correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think that the effect of 6.4's new feature, "Network Paths to Strategies", extends to compiled strategy libraries.
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Thanks for your reply Eugene!

Cone, please let me know should this feature become available in the new 6.4 version.

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Hi and sorry to bother again.

I would like to change the path of where my ASCII data files are stored. It seems like this can be done by changing the path to the Fidelity Investment folder (according to the user guide), but given I don't have Fidelity as a data provider (I guess the download of the latter extension is subject to a fee and I don't have an account with them), is there an alternative way to relocate the path of the ASCII data files?

Thanks again!
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There are two ways:

1) Re-create the ASCII DataSet using the convenient "Copy format from existing ASCII DataSet" option (User Guide > Data > ASCII).
2) After enabling hidden file visibility, locate the DataSet's XML file ("c:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Fidelity Investments\WealthLabDev\\Data\DataSets\" ) and manually edit the path to the folder containing your ASCII files in one of the tags.
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Sorry Eugene, what I actually meant was to change the path to the source .xml files, i.e. "c:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Fidelity Investments\WealthLabDev\\Data\DataSets\".
What I would like to do is to have the PCs of my colleagues point to a different folder, in order they don't have to manually load the new datasets I create but direclty have them in WealthLab. I can do this by sending them the .xml files and tell them to drag and drop the latter in the folder above. However, having a different path (on a shared drive, each being different for every user) would allow me to directly drag and drop the .xml files in the relevant location myself, without having them doing any manual intervention.

Please let me know if the above respecification is possible.

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Yep, that's entirely different question.

Here's the FAQ: Can I relocate the whole "Data" folder (or only some subfolder) of my Wealth-Lab 6 from C: to a different drive or directory?

Please note that any and all issues you may have with the product/extensions after 'relocating' the DataSets folder by creating a symlink will be unsupported.
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Thanks so much for your help Eugene!
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Glad to have helped.
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