Clearing data for fresh update
Author: haytac
Creation Date: 2/26/2015 10:21 PM
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I am running WL on 4 machines. I usually run on one and the others are backup. Three of them running fine. The forth gives run time error. The strategy is the same on all machines. I removed WL and re-installed it without any improvement. I suspect it has to do with data.
Is there a way one can erase all data so the update is from scratch?
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The forth gives run time error.

Which data provider is it? What is the error message, precisely? Could you copy and paste it here, please?

I removed WL and re-installed it without any improvement.

I'm really at a loss why users keep doing this despite the FAQ tells not to since its inception but here goes: I have a problem. Tried to reinstall Wealth-Lab, but it didn't help!

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Hi, thanks for your time. I copied the strategy from one of the machines where it ran without problems and now the issue seems to have gone away. Maybe the act of writing a "new" strategy forced the WL to fetch new fresh data? I am happy that the issue has gone away without debugging it. I will keep an eye on it and will debug it by inserting print statements along the way to see where it hangs up. The provider of data is Fidelity.
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There is no point for making guesswork because we haven't seen neither the error message nor the Strategy XML file.
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