Close position at the end of business day
Author: sarokhatch
Creation Date: 7/1/2013 1:09 PM
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I have conditions on selling open positions during the day. If none of those conditions hit the position stays open over night and I don't want that. I would like to close the position at market close regardless of the price. I assumed that Basic exits (long)/ Sell at close would be the right indicator. But it doesn't work as expected. It opens and immediately closes the position.
Any thoughts?
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Although you did not indicate such important detail as the bar scale you're working with, it's clear that it's an intraday time frame. Sell at close will close the position at the close of the current bar. For intraday strategies, what you need is EOD exit. If I type in EOD in our search-as-you-type text box (click), here's what pops up:

* EOD exit for Strategies using Rules

Using Rules for simple close out position x minute3s before EOD

* EOD exit for code-based Strategies

Exit EOD
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