Code does not go Short on Winter months
Author: gbullr
Creation Date: 3/9/2012 5:58 PM
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The following code generates trades

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the following code does not

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Difference is the // above the short at market.
Something weird going on ... trying to short only in north American winter. What stupid mistake am I making.
I have changed pctdownsums so I know that is not the problem.

Much appreciate your help.

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Give it a little thought:
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How can a number be greater than 10 (e.g. 11) and be less than 3 at the same time? That's impossible.

Code logic requires an OR, not AND:
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Thanks I did not realize that Date Time did not have the reset at 12 logic built in.


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It's not a DateTime thing. You're comparing two integer numbers.
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Another issue w/ DateTime.

On Symbol = .SPX

This code does not buy in the years 2001 2002 2006 or 2007. Do you know why?

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Thanks. I have the same problem w/ the yahoo symbol ^GSPC. Can't figure it out.

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14 April 2007 was Saturday. Do I really have to look up the other dates?
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