Author: innertrader
Creation Date: 4/2/2014 2:42 PM
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Does WL6 support Console.WriteLine() and Console.Readline() in its native environment? I am able to insert these functions in my code and compile without error, but these commands are not being executed when I run the program.

I'm looking for a simple way to pause the program to assist with debugging, without setting up in Visual C# IDE. Any other suggestions put a break in code that can be continued from keyboard.
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No, they are not. You can pause with Input but I wonder how would that pausing help you with debugging?
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Trying to see if I can figure out where I can pause before I get a run-time error.
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That sounds like reinventing the wheel in a quite suboptimum way. Setting up VS 2012/2013 IDE will make it much better with conditional breakpoints, call stack, run-time value editing etc.

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