Continuous scanning in Strategy Monitor?
Author: calvingee
Creation Date: 12/6/2013 3:10 PM
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Is there a way to continuously scan with the strategy monitor? For example, if my strategy scale is 15 minutes can I scan continuously so I don't have to wait 15 minutes for the alert.
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Please read this answer in the FAQ to understand how Wealth-Lab executes strategies and why such continuous scan won't work:

Is it necessary to have access to intra-bar tick data to daytrade with Wealth-Lab?
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That is unfortunate due to the fact that the indicator may hit some time before the bar period is finished and the alert will be delayed causing the trader to miss a large portion of the movement.
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Not quite, because there is another fact that you're not considering: an opposite move of the indicator may cancel the setup on the same partial bar. Plus, there are stop orders to not miss a movement.
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