Copy alerts to dataset feature?
Author: sedelstein
Creation Date: 5/13/2013 6:21 AM
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I often run a strategy and get alerts for say, N, symbols
I then copy and paste these symbols into a dataset so that I can run each symbol individually or just the alerted symbols as a group

Is there a way to do this quickly or can a "copy symbols to dataset" feature be considered for the next release?

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Just double-click on an alert. Voila.
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That doesnt seem to show the individual performance stats. Just brings up the graph. When I go to the performance tab, I still the results for the entire list of symbols. If I then run one at a time, I lose the alerts I ran over the entire set
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No, you don't lose alerts. You see the results for the entire DataSet, but the Alerts are not lost unless you click "Go". The Alerts tab will keep showing the alerts, and you can review them one by one. Another way to do the same thing is to click on the Strategy's alerts in the Strategy Monitor: the list of alerts is also preserved. Both are by (good) design.
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Yes I understand all that. But as you say above, "You see the results for the entire DataSet"
I want to see how the strategy did on the particular symbol

To do that, I need to run that symbol and if I do (as you say "the Alerts are not lost unless you click "Go".)

so if I run 500 symbols and get 15 alerts. I want to review each of those 15 individually, I think if I want to look at just those 15 individually, I would need to copy them down and then run them one at a time. It would be handy to have a dataset that had the reduced list of alerted symbols in it, e.g. "copy alerts to a dataset" feature.
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I understood what you're after, but it doesn't line up with the design which has always been to strive for clarity and simplification. Adding single-user preferences and features to the WL client's interface is the opposite of that. It might be handy for you but the proposed feature is too specific to happen.

Why complicate things beyond reason? Just open a 2nd strategy window in single symbol mode, side by side, and use it to click through the alerted symbols from the portfolio backtest window.
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Fine. The thought was that other users might like this feature as well.
Side by side mode will cut my screen real estate in half and I prefer (and I suspect others as well) like to have lots of real estate for their graphs w/o having to minimize/maximize repeatedly. A right click feature to copy symbols into a data set would allow me to just use the arrow down keys to look at performance. I believe the way you suggest above would involve retyping and not just clicking

since it's not going to happen, no need for response
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Agree. I would
" this feature as well."
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