Current system time
Author: aokorokov
Creation Date: 10/27/2019 10:36 PM
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there is two questions:

1. How to pull up information about date and time of bar in Data Series?
2. How to get current system time and date in wealth lab, which would be good with library of wealth lab?
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1. What do you mean by "pool up"? You can loop bar by bar to get it:
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2. To get the current time use standard .NET property DateTime.Now.
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Thank you mr. Eugene, Has pool up and pull up different pronunciation?
my bad about that, I did correction at starting post.
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Got it. To follow up, now that you've queried the current bar's DateTime and saved it as "dt" you can get all sorts of information .NET provides such as month, day of week etc.: Working With DateTime Using C#
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