DataSeries for two symbols simultaneously?
Author: romaioi
Creation Date: 3/13/2012 11:49 PM
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Just wondering if its possible to used a strategy/chartscript to examine price series data for two different symbols at the same time? I would like to call in an the data for another instrument and compare signals - currently do this manually.

Can some one point me in the right direction?


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Yes, there are - quite a bit.

1. Start by exploring the WealthScript Guide, DataSeries > Accessing Secondary Symbols.
2. Look up GetExternalSymbol (and SetContext/RestoreContext) in the QuickRef.
3. Search the forum and the Wiki for those methods.
4. Finally, search the code of downloaded Strategies from the "Open Strategy" dialog.
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Thanks very much Eugene.

I'm getting way too many alerts. Trying to find a way to narrow it down and rank them. My coding skills have regressed - can't even make sense of what I developed previously, let alone what I'm trying to steps....
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I have a related question.

I have been getting an intermitent error for "Object reference not set to an instance of an object error." with a strategy that imports data from an external symbol. It appears that the only way to avoid this error is to make sure the external symbol is in a WL dataset & the dataset is up to date. Is that accurate?. It would be nice if WL could use the on demand feature to go get this data.

Also is there a list of WL error messages and what they mean.

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Let's not make far-reaching conclusions and preliminary suggestions on Wealth-Lab enhancement before you examine this hint:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Hope that helps. If you think it doesn't, let's see your code (user code is the primary source of errors)?
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