With a stock screener you're interested in Alerts only. You don't need no performance visualizers in principle. To ease the burden:
1. Close the screener
2. Uncheck performance visualizers in Wealth-Lab's Preferences
3. Open your screener
4. Workspace > Save Workspace
5. Enable performance visualizers back and OK
Now this saved workspace will launch your strategy without any visualizers activated for top performance - no more "Compiling performance results".
A couple more suggestions while I'm at it:
1. Profile your code to optimize its performance and get rid of bottlenecks. For example:
Wealth-Lab strategy performance profiling2. Make sure your CPU, RAM and SSD are adequate for the computing task.
3. Hit Escape (Esc) key to abort a running Strategy.
Another useful feature: it would be nice if clicking on the compile button in the editor window saved the code.
Wealth-Lab is working as designed, so auto-save on compile isn't going to happen. At least until all those
Open Issues from years before are approached, and then some.
Please develop a habit to strike Ctrl-S - this opens the door to Strategy versioning / comparison and performance snapshots: see
Snapshots visualizer, part of
MS123 Performance Visualizers.