Disable streaming from a script
Author: kazuna
Creation Date: 8/6/2009 2:24 PM
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I have multiple chart windows streaming and only one of them creates and closes a position. Once one creates a position, I want to disable streaming automatically on all other chart windows. Is there a way for the script to disable streaming on its own chart window?

The streaming chart window intermittently stops updating the chart (stuck in black window) and I would like to reduce the chance of it from occuring by disabling unnecessary streaming chart window.

I tried Abort() but it still keeps executing the script and updating the chart every time when new bar arrives.
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Is there a way for the script to disable streaming on its own chart window?
There's always a way, but someone will have to dig really deep to find it.

Tell me more about streaming updates stopping.
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Tell me more about streaming updates stopping.
I don't know what's causing it but it does occur once for a week or so. It occured this morning and chart window stopped updating but stayed in black window. I had two WLPs running on two computers but both WLPs stopped updating the chart window at the same bar. So I guess it was an issue on Fidelity backend.
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Sounds like a good guess - something centralized and external.
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Yes, I guess it is something external and I wanted to mitigate it.
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