I did see once, it showing error on top part of window. To make sure, I code a errorTest script, which try to open a file which is not exist. Then I schedule it to run in S Monitor, which did not show any error.
If S Monitor log errors, where is the log file?
Can I set S Monitor to log error?
Do you have sample code to log error into a file in WL coding?
Thank you very much for your help.
On how to enable logging, please refer to the Wealth-Lab User Guide > Strategy Monitor > Strategy Pane >
Strategies Right-Click Menu.
The file can be found here after enabling hidden file/folder visibility in Windows Control Panel > Folder Options:
Windows username\AppData\Roaming\Fidelity Investments\WealthLabDev\\Data\
To make sure, I code a errorTest script, which try to open a file which is not exist. Then I schedule it to run in S Monitor, which did not show any error.
This sort of error won't be reflected in the log.
Thank you for fast response.