Drawing lines invisible on weekly/monthly but not daily scale
Author: DIY
Creation Date: 6/14/2015 5:28 AM
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For example, using the same chart with various indicators I can draw the various types of lines on all the indicators with Scale - Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly but not Daily. This is the same for all shares.

Also another example, I use the same code as above but different buy/sell parameters for Daily, Weekly and Monthly together with their respective Scale. In these cases I can not draw lines for some shares while most are OK.
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#32, 33 and 34 are the same script ie 'daily'. 32 on daily scale does not work whereas 33 and 34 does regression lines on weekly and monthly scale.

#35 and 36 are the same script as above except the buy/sell parameters are changed for 2 instead of 3 days ie 'weekly'. Regression lines work on weekly and monthly but not daily scales.

Maybe something wrong with daily Scale which works most times but not always.

I opened up another entirely different strategy and the daily scale does not work but works on weekly and monthly

Opened up another different strategy and all 3 work.
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Just FYI, regression channels do not depend on which Strategy you have opened. Click the Eraser button atop the Drawing Objects toolbar ("Clear Drawing Objects") and then create LR channel from scratch. Did this help?

If no, is the issue limited to a particular bunch of symbols i.e. ASX 20 / Metastock? How about other data providers e.g. Yahoo data?
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Thanks Eugene for the great tip. Works perfectly. PS It was for all line drawing, LR was only an example.
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On a similar note, a chart (attached) where the buy/sell signs do not work. This is over 3 years. There are no Trades. The RL and other lines work on the buy/sell area of the chart.

Also have another stock where there are 7 buy and 7 sell signs and Trades at the beginning of a 3 year period then no more.
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Does the issue affect a Metastock datasource and nothing else and doesn't go away after clearing the .DRW file of the charted symbol (see here)?

If the problem does not depend on symbol being charted, this can be a code problem. Please provide the code of your Strategy demonstrating the phenomenon. Don't forget to indicate all the data range settings.
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I only use Norgate data. I deleted the 2 *.DRW files and also deleted the 2 shares and reinstalled. Same problem which only occurs in 2 out of about shares.

Data range settings - 30.3.12 to 30.6.15.

Attached code - this is the same code I use on all my daily shares
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This is really confusing. Your screenshot #37 clearly indicates the system did not produce any trades (Net Profit = 0). I expected that the attached code would create some custom trade annotations on the chart (used instead of trade arrows akin to example from this FAQ) that are not displayed. The code does it neither.

Could you explain what the issue is now?

P.S. btw, reinstallation if totally useless. Its a big mystery why everyone tries it despite the FAQ saying the opposite for almost 7 years.
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Thats right #37 did not produce any Trades or buy/sell icons.

Attached screenshot #38 which is the other share that does not work. Data range settings - 30.3.12 to 30.6.15.

A seen it is slightly different in that there were 7 buys and 7 sells right at the beginning.

'P.S. btw, reinstallation if totally useless. Its a big mystery why everyone tries it despite the FAQ saying the opposite for almost 7 years'. -

simply trying any alternative before submitting - never know it may work!
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Thats right #37 did not produce any Trades or buy/sell icons.

Then it'd be some useless example, don't you think so? ;)

A seen it is slightly different in that there were 7 buys and 7 sells right at the beginning.

It should be clear that it's not a "drawing line problem" but system's logic or position sizing. Trading arrows do not disappear by miracle. If you review the Trades list, you'll notice there are no trades so it's not a charting problem at all. I asked for the Strategy code solely to exclude the possibility of a rare problem caused by an improper use of SetScale* functions inside the trading loop which leads to incorrect trades and distorted visualization.

The culprit is your position sizing. As soon as the index price jumped above $10,000, your system stopped taking any further trades. With default starting capital of $100,000 and 10% equity allocated, trading stops when the instrument's price is greater than the position size (i.e. $10K). The same explanation can be found in the FAQ (for a slightly different but closely related case):

FAQ | Position Sizing, Extensions, Miscellaneous > When I run a strategy in a Raw Profit mode, a warning message tells me that some trades were dropped because of insufficient funds. Why?
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Thanks Eugene for the solution. The penny has finally dropped. The 2 only examples were for Sectors of shares of which some were numerically above 10K. I have adjusted the Starting Capital to $1m so that it will never happen again - not in my lifetime I hope.
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We determined that drawing lines sometimes can go out of sight when the chart is maximized as on topic starter's screenshots. In particular, this applied to a horizontal line at 0 on a Twigg's Money Flow indicator chart pane.

Workaround #1: Restore window size to Normal from Maximized.
Workaround #2: Switch chart to Semil-Log scale.
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