Easy way to read .xls or .csv files
Author: bgood
Creation Date: 2/4/2010 1:59 PM
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I am wanting to import some information into WL after I have worked on it in Excel. Is there an easy way to read (find multiple values) in .xls or .csv files using WL5?
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The easiest way to read values in a .CSV file is, probably, creating an ASCII DataSet. I'm assuming it contains a Date field; otherwise it's not.

What kind of information is stored in the file; in other words, how is it formatted?
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The information is multiple numeric fields that vary occasionally. So for a few days the data is the same, then it changes for a few more days.
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So, there must be a "Date" field somewhere.

Try this method from Community.Components, it's specifically built for your kind of task:

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Thank you Eugene, that was a great pointer and the code does the job I need it to.
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