Elegant way to put in a trade any number of days after a signal.
Author: gbullr
Creation Date: 4/18/2010 10:48 PM
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Is there a way to buy at Limit any number of days after a signal has occurred. Lets say you want to buy a stock after it closes below a 30 day 2 stddev bolinger but only if closes below the crossunder days close less 7 pct at any time following the signal and for five days.


Something like

BuyAtLimit (bar+1, Close[bar]*.95,"Buy");
BuyAtLimit (bar+2, Close[bar]*.95,"Buy");
BuyAtLimit (bar+3, Close[bar]*.95,"Buy");
etc etc


And only execute the buy once not multiple buys.


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BuyAtLimit (bar+1, Close[bar]*.95,"Buy");
BuyAtLimit (bar+2, Close[bar]*.95,"Buy");
BuyAtLimit (bar+3, Close[bar]*.95,"Buy");
And only execute the buy once not multiple buys.

Does it seem like a perfect pair of mutually exclusive statements?
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Eugene or Cone Help again... Thank you in advance

Cant get this to short if Close crosses over variable perlow * 1.10
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You forgot to check for the "setup" to be false before going any further here:
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Instead, this code will work on a single bar only - not as intended.

I'd suggest reviewing my code above again and visiting this really helpful link:

Tutorial: Setups, Triggers, Delays, and Timeouts
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The problem w/ this is that it does not "reset" if there is a new 60 day close after the setup.

Is there a way to do that?
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Yes there is - when you verified that "setup" is "true", set it to "false" when there is a new 60 day close.
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On an unrelated topic.

WL is freezing when I try to get external bars from yahoo.

So it executes the strategy but takes forever to compile results.

Suggestions? Thoughts.

I have reinstalled program and changed the data set so that should not be a problem.


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Create a Yahoo! DataSet, update it, disable on demand data updates.
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Regarding your prior suggestion of set it to false... I have no idea what you are talking about... Sorry between the 15 sets of brackets the !setups the setups and everything else, the whole thing makes no sense.

if the thing makes a 52 week high it should be a setup not while its !setup.
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There will be nothing complicated about it, if you study the code pattern itself:

Tutorial: Setups, Triggers, Delays, and Timeouts

"Setup" is "true" here:
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Here, you need to check for some condition like "new 60 day close" (btw I have no idea what's a "new 60 day close"), and if it's true, invalidate the "setup" (the code contains lots of examples.)
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Thanks on the yahoo data.

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Get the following error message on Dow 30 which I have not received before.
Error message for each symbol in dow 30.
Error processing symbol CAT Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index

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Scroll down to Index was out of range in WL5 Wiki > Knowledge Base > Strategy errors.
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Fixed by restarting the program.
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