I think that all of the WL resources are very good. I find most of the examples provided are an important aspect and a great strength. However, as someone who is quite green with coding WL/WS, the big hurdle is becoming as proficient at coding as my ideas are. I suspect that this is also the hurdle for many others in my position esp. for those who are not programmers in the first place. One way of bridging the gap would be to provide more examples. Often I look up a topic and find example code but it is inappropriate for the particular idea that I have. What if there were a tab called "more examples" with a simple title for the use of the code at the top of each example. Obviously there would be a mountain of work to satisfy this request. However, if the tab were created first and an example added one at a time (perhaps even at the suggestion of forum members in a new forum heading) the library of examples could be expanded.
While some of the same ideas frequently appear, ideas are infinite so we tackle them as they come up. Some ideas on where to find them.
Download Strategies.
Use the convenient "Strategy Download" feature (found in Wealth-Lab's
Open Strategy dialog, Ctrl+O).

There are close to 200 more strategies that are available to you.
Check the Wiki
The Wiki has additional strategies and example code for classes and methods written to solve common requests.
Help > WealthScript Programming Guide.(
Lots of "How To's"
Search the forum
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all the time, and they are documented in the public fourms.
Use the Strategy Builder.
It's a good place to start learning how to code, but certainly has limitations if you need something complex.