Getting an alert for every symbol
Author: Creighton
Creation Date: 9/2/2014 8:00 PM
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Hello another question please this time about the strategy monitor. I run a set of strategies based on daily time parameters every day (I mostly use the default strategies as I am still learning the system). Lately, the default dip buyer and L2D2 strategies have been giving me a buy alert every day for every symbol in the dataset. For example, I will get exactly 500 alerts for each stock in the SP 500. The default dip percentage on the dip buyer strategy is 8% and obviously every stock is not 8% lower every day. I did not change the code and this is happening wtih both my laptop and my desktop so I must be doing something wrong with both computers. Your help as always is very appreciated.
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There is nothing wrong. As can be seen in their code, both systems issue AtLimit orders that are not guaranteed to trigger.
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