Hour glass cursor in front of Stream button
Author: haytac
Creation Date: 6/4/2015 1:34 PM
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I am able to run my strategy using the go button. At least today there is an hour glass icon in front of the stream button. On another machine I am able to run in stream mode.
What could be happening?
Is the WL communicating with Fidelity servers to find out if there is a slot for this instance of WL?
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If you don't know, how do we know? ;) Without the details it's just a crystal ball game. Here's something to start with:

A. Is that hour glass a cosmetic issue or it prevents the strategy from running?
B. Did restarting WLP help?

If it's persistent, then we need to know more about the symbol(s), bar scale, is the static data up to date, and do both PCs share the same ISP or are routed through different ISPs? Feel free to add any details that can help.
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Do you mean that:
a. the mouse changes to an hourglass when hovering over the Stream button, or,
b. an hourglass icon obscures the Stream button (attach a picture)
c. something else? (attach a picture)

Is the WL communicating with Fidelity servers to find out if there is a slot for this instance of WL?
No such function exists, but there are tests for internet connectivity.
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Streaming provider failures frequently come with a spinning mouse circle icon (aka hourglass), that is, option "a."
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