How can I save backtesting results?
Author: murty
Creation Date: 6/5/2013 3:34 PM
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I see no option to save $imulator results in WL6 (as in WL4).

1. How can I save $imulator results to a single file?

2. How can I save workspace to remember $imulator results (including all tabs)?

Thanks in advance.
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There is no $imulator since 2008 when it was combined with ChartScript and Optimization views. Here's the proper Terminology.

1. You can't.
2. It's not possible. A Strategy must be executed again when workspace is being opened.

On the bright side, I've been working on a Reports-Lab successor for WL6 which makes #1 possible. Later this month (ETA), users will be able to save/restore Strategy code, Equity curve and a subset of metrics from the Performance tab.
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Thanks for the info. Though, I am wondering if this to-be-released Reports-Lab is based on Wealth Signal Publisher extension or based on WL4 Report-Lab (which is much better and I am used to).

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The WealthSignals Publisher has absolutely nothing to do with saving reports, and thereby comparing it to Reports-Lab makes no sense.

The new "Snapshots" visualizer is created from scratch and is not based on Reports-Lab anyhow. It does not attempt to duplicate the RL2 look, functionality, etc. It's going to be a completely new tool.
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I appreciate this new feature... I will try it soon. Although, I prefer to be able to capture initial snapshot too
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Of course capturing the initial snapshot is possible - just strike Ctrl-S.
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