How do I interrupt a strategy (like a test stuck in a loop, or a test not finished) that is currently running?
The strategy is running in Strategy Window, not Strategy Monitor.
I tried CTRL + Break, Fn + Break, and a couple of others, but I cannot seem to find a way to interrupt the currently running script.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Hit Escape to abort Strategy processing.
I tried escape, and it did nothing.
I was just testing something..... Here is what I did: I added a buy and sell at market by themselves on Multiple open positions allowed without adding any conditions and its now stuck. I did this in rules based and then switched it to code based.
Is there anything I can do?
You can close this Strategy window. Escape almost always does its job, aborting strategy processing. There's no other shortcut known to me.
By the way, don't forget to disable on demand data update to keep WL from collecting data preceding the Strategy execution phase.
Oh.. you know... I forgot to update data in Data Manager. Maybe its stuck collecting data.... ? Yes, I think my "on demand data update" is checked.
If I disable "on demand data update" doesn't it still have to collect that data before running the script, or how does disabling "on demand data update" affect a script running? I tried searching some on this question, but did not make much progress.
Thanks for help on this new question.
If I need to start a new post, I will.
Wealth-Lab seems to always go through data collection, at least in MSB mode. Keeping the data up to date minimizes the delay.