How to buy 1/4 of Position when indicator is less than X ?
Author: kelvinyip
Creation Date: 11/7/2020 12:54 PM
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I always set the buy for the entire amount set in the position sizing GUI for this one symbol say SPY. Now I want to buy 1/4 of the value I set in position sizing GUI if say (today's close is greater than yesterday) and keep doing it until my total size is all used up. When I sell, I want to be able to sell 1/4 position each time another indicator value is below X (say close today is lower than yesterday) or sell the entire amount in one shot..

Can you please give some sample code ?
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Simply issue BuyAt* orders until your counter is less than 4.
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oh , didn't think of that... counter at outerloop
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If I don't want even sized positions, BuyAt* doesn't quite let me play with the amount... I want 1st buy to be 10% of 100k, 2nd buy to be 20%..
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2. Pyramiding PosSizer
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