How to make functions/subroutines available to Strategy?
Author: DouglasJMartin
Creation Date: 7/8/2014 7:51 PM
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I've been evolving a script for awhile and it's getting a little unweildly to manage and modify. I'd like to break it down into some functional chunks -- functions/subroutines. Can someone point me at a reference that documents the required structural syntax for such things ( in C#) so that they may be invoked as needed from within the main script?

I've been evolving a script for some time and find that it's getting unwiedly as a monolithic mainline. Can someone point me at a reference that can show an outline of the syntax necessary to implement portions of a script as functions/subroutines that would be invoked by the primary script?
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Please see the FAQ: Is there a way to reuse a function in Strategies? Is it possible to create a library of reusable functions?

The same FAQ contains pointers to C# 101 resources which cover topics such as creating methods in C#.
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Thank you.
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