How to refresh the DrawText in the Price Pane?
Author: xayaraj
Creation Date: 3/15/2010 3:35 PM
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I would like to use DrawText with fixed x, and y coordinates on the Price Pane. From time to time during the day based on certain conditions, I need to clear the "previous string text" and update the price pane with the "new string text."
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No. I would like the text to appear at the top left corner of the price Pane only with specified x, y coordinates.
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DrawText, AnnotateChart, ... whenever you want to do display something in the chart, just hit F11 and look in the Cosmetic Chart category until you find what you need.
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My question is how do I clear the previous text string and draw a new text string over the same x, y coordinates with DrawText? I read the document and could not find a way to do it.
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There is no need to clear anything you draw on a chart. If you need to clear it, the logic should not to write it in the first place!
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