How to save indicators on charts?
Author: BarisKaya
Creation Date: 2/9/2014 3:49 PM
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i add some indicators on my charts but they disappear when i re-open them later, I need them visible when i open my charts, could you please tell me how to do it?

thanks a lot

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These will preserve indicators:

1. Save the chart as a new Strategy window.
2. Wealth-Lab User Guide (Help menu): Charting > Plotting Indicators > Pushing Dropped Indicators.*

* You can even do Edit > "Save as Default Template Code" which I would not recommend as this is a global change.
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i might prefer the Edit->Save as default option but that's inactive in my Edit menu, so i can not. Any idea why ?

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It's active for Strategies (hence the "Code"), not for Charts - which is quite natural.
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