IQFeed connection error after change to Weekly scale
Author: Ben_Zurich
Creation Date: 4/11/2014 4:38 AM
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I'm programming my charts / strategies in .NET and often use
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After starting WL6 in Daily mode, my default workspace loads and the chart display is ok.

When clicking on Weekly on the chart, I'm getting:

IQ Feed connection error: The system cannot find the file specified.

Then I click on OK and I get:

IQ Feed connection error: Connection to IQFeed can't be established.

Then I click OK and the chart comes up correctly in Weekly mode, all tickers present. that means all files have been found and the error messages are actually wrong.

I have found out that these errors are generated at the very first call of
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, after switching to Weekly scale for the first time, and regardless what the actual tickers are.

Strange enough, these error messages do not appear anymore, when I swich back to Daily and then to Weekl again. Even when I load another workspace and change from Daily to Weekly, I'm getting no more error messages.

It happens only at the very first time after starting WL6 and changing to Weekly.

If I start in Weekly mode (i.e. the default workspace contains the line "Weekly"). the error messages appear immediately. This means that the trigger for the error messages is not 'Change of Scale' but the 'Weelky scale' itself.

All that has been said about 'Weekly scale' is also true for Monthly mode.

Note that I'm not talking about
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Any clues what that could be?
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Which overload for GetExternalSymbol do you use? Show us the complete statement as it appears in your script.
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I just re-read this. It's a connection error in the IQFeed client. Wealth-Lab only requests the data from IQFeed, which launches the IQFeed client; the details of the connection are left to the IQFeed client. Once the connection is established, then it makes sense not to see errors anymore.

So, launching the workspace in Wealth-Lab does not create request a data request (is on-demand enabled?) so the IQFeed client isn't launched. When you switch to weekly, the first request takes place (can't tell you why) and it seems the connection fails for some reason - that's an IQFeed client issue. Anyway, I'll see if I can duplicate it.
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We have only 'BBLoaderFiles' and 'ASCII' datasets. Why am I getting an IQFeed message after all?
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Because IQFeed provider is installed and Wealth-Lab tries to request the external symbol's data (unsuccessfully) from that provider (probably in on demand mode?) when looping through installed providers. Uninstalling IQFeed (if you're not using it) and restarting Wealth-Lab should alleviate the problem.
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You could also specify the DataSet in the GetExternalSymbol statement to prevent it from searching through all the DataSets for the riskfree symbol data.
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I uninstalled IQFeed and I don't have the issue anymore.

Thank you for your help!
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Unfortunately the story does not end here:

(1) The removal of IQFeed has also removed some datasets in the WL6 dataset list. These are folders with .csv files.

(2) When I wanted to re-install IQFeed again I have seen that it was still there.

(3) Then I decided to uninstall it again and the re-install it, but it apparently is not uninstallable.

(4) Then I wanted to restore the datasets that disappeared from the list, but I cannot load ASCII files anymore

(5) Then I tried to deinstall ASCII Data extension: System crashes after restart. I cannot install or deinstall ASCI Data nor IQFeed anymore

Please help.

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Repairing WLD installation in Windows Control Panel should restore the ASCII provider and a shared component called the "Market Manager".

This scenario is documented in the Knowledge Base, so it makes great sense to always start from there:

Some DataSets are gone. Some previously installed providers can't be found

P.S. Sorry, because these providers weren't built by me I didn't realize that IQFeed (and ASCII) are so "susceptible" i.e. they uninstall the MM with them. "My" providers will keep the MM. We need to fix the ASCII/IQFeed providers.
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Thank you for this explanation.

I have restored my system.

As I am reluctant to use the IQFeed uninstall feature again, I tried to just delete
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and this seems to work. The error messages do not show now and all datasets remained there.
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That's right: for now, please don't uninstall IQFeed/ASCII as that would take the MM down with it. We've already fixed the bug locally and will upload updated builds when possible.
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