Is it possible to create intraday custom indexes in Index-Lab?
Author: KEVINP
Creation Date: 9/21/2015 12:00 AM
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Is it possible to create an intraday Advance Decline Line Custom Index in Index Lab? I was trying to create a 10 minute AD Line on the S&P500. I got the following error message when I tried to double click the symbol in the Index Lab 10 Minute DataSet in the DataSets Panel:

Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index Unable to get Data for index: %AD_SP500_10M

In the Data Manager, I tried to update the Index Lab 10-Minute DataSet, and a similar message appeared to the effect of "ran out of memory trying to process" or something like that...

I just noticed a new error in the Data Manager when trying to update just the one Index Lab 10 Min DataSet: "%AD_SP500_10M Internal Error processing: %AD_SP500_10M"

Would hourly work?

I did try it on a Daily DataSet and it works fine.
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If you're sure that it wasn't a "(500) Internal Server Error" (which is a different, server-side problem) then I hope you find Cone's suggestions useful:

Errors when gathering symbols

As backed by screenshots in this thread, the problem is that you are not using 64-bit edition of Wealth-Lab and there's not enough memory to process this large amount of data. Building an index based on the intraday S&P 500 data is a memory-intensive task which requires lots of RAM and 64-bit WLP capable of utilizing it (32-bit WLP cannot).
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After experimenting, I came up with a workaround. My DataSets are: S&P500 Daily DataSet, S&P600 Daily DataSet, S&P100 10 minute DataSet. I was then able to create and plot a Cumulative Advance Decline Line on these 3 DataSets within reasonable time with the computing power I have at the moment. Reducing symbol count from 500 down to 100 enabled the AD Line to be created on the 10 minute DataSet. So far so good.

Thank you for the explanation and the links. I will look at the links closely.
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