Is it possible to delay an event till certain condition is met ?
Author: sofia
Creation Date: 12/23/2011 8:40 PM
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The buy signal is generated off certain condition being met at cycle X.
But is it possible to hold this signal till cycle X+n when some other condition is met after n cycles.
Like a phase shift by "n" cycles.
I have a 2 mutually exclusive events. The first condition trigger buy, but I need to hold this till other condition is met after n cycles. Sometimes the buy signal happens much too early and want to hold on till next condition is also met.


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It's possible. Welcome to the Wealth-Lab Wiki:

Knowedge Base > WealthScript Techniques | Setups, Triggers, Delays, and Timeouts
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Thanks Eugene.

Warm wishes to you and Wealthlab support team for holidays.

I couldn't have done better without Wealthlab and all the excellent support that I have received on this site.

Best regards,

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Thanks Sofia. Have a merry Xmas too.
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