Is there a Function Reference?
Author: wltrade
Creation Date: 8/4/2009 4:33 PM
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I'm new to WealthLab-Pro 5, C#, etc. and I'd like to know where I might find a downloadable Function Reference guide -- like the one I had for WL-Pro 4.
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We have answered this question many times. The closest thing to a downloadable "function reference" for V5 is perhaps the MSDN Library. The world simply doesn't need another C# .NET programming book.
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Yes, I've been to that site and being new to object oriented code I have alot to learn. Maybe there is nothing more specific to view, but perhaps I should have stated my question differently. So, I'll try again -- Is there an object reference guide for listings of corresponding properties and methods used in V5?
Thanks again.
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QuickRef is the reference for WealthScript methods.

WealthScript Programming Guide has references for some Rules and ChartStyle components that you can use in scripting.
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object brouser in Visual studio helps you to understand WLD classes and functions. And if you can try to look into code itself, but this is slightly forbidden in license agreement :))
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Hello again:
Yes, after thinking further about this, I realized that its the code, i.e. the declarations that I wanted to see, as QuickRef wasn't helping that much.

I solved the problem I was stuck on though so things are OK -- at least for time being.

-Will look at license agreement, object brouser in Visual studio, etc. when/if necessary.

Many thanks for all of the inputs!
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The application code is proprietary, closed source - so no peek inside feature, sorry.
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