Is there a way to "OR" two Basic Exits?
Author: rogerjfisher
Creation Date: 4/17/2013 7:37 PM
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Is there a simple way to "OR" Basic Exits? I want "Sell at Close" to be triggered by either "Fast SMA crosses below Slow SMA" OR "Sell at ATR-based Stop Loss"? I know that Conditions can be "OR"d; but it seems to not work with Entry/Exits.
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As selling at close "to be triggered by ... or selling at stop loss" doesn't make any sense to me, I think you intended to add just add two exits:

1. "Sell at Close" with "Fast SMA crosses below Slow SMA"
2. "ATR-based Stop Loss"

Otherwise please clarify.
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You are correct - my post was badly stated - I do want to implement two exits. Thanks.
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